Lessons from the Potter

Sometimes you just have to let go and let God. Well, that’s not true. All the time,not sometimes. Things in life don’t just happen, it happens for a reason. I am not a believer in coincidences. Whether big or small, there is a lesson for us to take away and learn. In happy times and in hard and painful times. Learn from it. Listen to the message and let it go. Give it to God and move on. Do not dwell, do away with the wishes, woulda ,coulda and shoulda. We can’t change what has been but we can change what will be. Let these lessons make you a better you,a stronger you and most importantly, strengthen your relationship with God and those around you. Change what you can and leave the rest in God’s capable Hands. After all, He is the Potter,we are the clay. Let Him mold you.

Sincerely, Autumn

You are loved

Published by

Autumn Hamblin

My name is Autumn. I live in the great state of Mississippi. Married for 20 years,5 kids,1 grandson. I am first and foremost a Jesus girl who lives a simple life.

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